REPORT and OUTPUTS of our previous study session
During 1-5 November of 2022, Human Rights Education Youth Network (HREYN) and World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) implemented the study session “Advancing at Constructing Safe Learning Spaces in Non-formal Education” at the European Youth Centre in Budapest, in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.
Our main goal was to increase the quality of non-formal education and human rights education in participating organisations, by raising awareness, sharing practises and increasing competencies of trainers, educators and youth workers for safer space development.
This report presents the main conclusions, learning outcomes, and recommendations from the study session “Advancing at Constructing Safe Learning Spaces in Non-formal Education”, conducted by the Human Rights Education Youth Network (HREYN) and World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.
In this document you will find information about the study session, background and context, implemented program, main results and conclusions, as well as outputs prepared by participants as part of follow-up activities. Therefore this report is prepared by the team and the participants of the study session.
During the study session participants worked in groups to prepare two main outputs.
These outputs were drafted on the last day and the working groups were created to
follow-up and finalize the results in a format that can be published and spread through
our networks and organisations represented in the study session. The final products are
presented in this report:
1. The glossary of relevant terms in constructing safe learning spaces;
2. The reader of tips for practitioners to support the creation and maintenance of safe