Human Rights Education Glossary
education, training or informal learning the basis of which is created by human rights and sets to achieve the ideals underpinned in the human rights.
education, training or informal learning which delivers competencies to live in a democratic culture and equips learners with the capacity to transform the public policy.
education about the state, human rights and liberties, to develop civic consciousness and responsibilities
educates and empowers learners to understand the global perspectives of human rights violations, inequality, poverty and conflicts and become promoters of peace, tolerance, inclusion, security and sustainability.
education that enables learners to prevent conflict and violence, both overt and structural, to resolve conflicts peacefully and to create the conditions for peace at intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, national and international levels.
education to develop a critique over the social situation and empower learners to transform the systems and structures that result in violence and inequality.
education to enable learners to understand the gaps between human rights and actual realities, and empowering them to close these gaps.
education for the critical analysis of the current social conditions, the ability to act at a political level and thus, at last, transcendence of the social system.
empowerment of learners through education or the acquisition of competences for learning and active participation in digital society.
education to become media literate, ability to assess, analyse and create media, understand how media works, policy and legal frameworks and economic interests.