HREYN Statement on COVID-19
Statement from the Board of Human Rights Education Youth Network
Taking into account that part of our work is based on international mobilities – training courses, study sessions, youth exchanges etc.
Due to the pandemic risks of COVID-19 the new strain of Coronavirus,
Based on recommendations and directives from World Health Organisation and other European or National Infection Prevention Entities,
We recommend all of our members to closely monitor the updates and directives from World Health Organisation, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and National Infection Prevention and Control Entities.
we suggest our members to suspend non-urgent mobility activities;
we suggest our members organizing the mobility activities this season:
- Cancel the residence-participation and consider remote-participation of the participants who:
i - come from or through the high-risk zones;
ii – have travelled in the high-risks zones in the duration of 2 weeks;
iii – have had a close contact with another person who has or is suspected to have the COVID-19 infection;
iv – shows the symptoms of acute respiratory infection.
- Ensure valid travel and health insurance for the participants;
- Equip the venue with hand-sanitizers, soap, masks and thermometer;
- Inform the participants about the risks and the management plan;
- Instruct participants how to properly wash hands and use the hand-sanitizers;
- Create and implement the protocol for room ventilation – at least once in 15 minutes;
- Refer to the health providers if one of the participants shows acute respiratory infection symptoms.
We recommend the donors and stakeholders in the international mobility projects to support organisations and participants at preventive efforts and in the event of force-majeure.
Please look at these sources for further information:
The World Health Organization
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
The Board of HREYN