Quality Assurance for All?

Ensuring quality of youth work through intersectionality and human rights (Q&A)

The Partners

Human Rights Education Youth Network


Human Rights Education Youth Network (HREYN) is an independent international non-governmental organization composed of a network of trainers, activists, youth workers, youth leaders, teachers, researchers, volunteers, professionals and other people committed to promoting human rights education and the protection of human rights. HREYN has the mission to work for the recognition and the development of human rights education as an essential instrument for the universal respect for and promotion of Human Rights.

According to the 2019-2024 strategy HREYN implements activities that will promote and advocate human rights education, extend practicing educational activities, methodologies and support mechanisms, promote human rights, democracy and rule of law, and develop the capacities of the members. Throughout these directions, HREYN creates various training courses, study sessions, youth exchanges and innovative tools.

To know more visit: www.hreyn.net

The European Institute of Education and Social Policy


The European Institute of Education and Social Policy is a non-profit organisation with more than forty years' experience in the analysis of education and training policies in Europe and beyond. Working with international partners, we develop evidence-informed strategies that support effective learning and the well-being of individuals, families and communities.

The EIESP is on the European Commission's register of interest representatives. This is a voluntary Register, in the context of the European Transparency Initiative, which includes a commitment to abide by the Code of Conduct.

The EIESP works toward a vision of learning that supports children and adults in developing their capacities and achieving their personal and professional potential and well-being.

At the EIESP, we place a high value on the independence and integrity we bring to our projects and dissemination, and on the multicultural dialogue and exchange that comes toward working across Europe and beyond. The EIESP values highly the multicultural dialogue and exchange that comes through working across Europe and beyond.

To know more visit: www.eiesp.org

Giosef Torino


Giosef Torino is a Social Promotion Association which promotes social inclusion and anti-discrimination on an intersectional level, throughout Non Formal Education on Human Rights, intercultural learning and Euro-Mediterranean mobility. The association supports cultural and social education as well as the international mobility of youths to promote active citizenship. With this purpose it promotes Non Formal Education programs on local and international levels. 

Our pillars are:

- YOUTH WORK AND NON FORMAL EDUCATION: producing social change through Human Rights Non Formal Education;

- INTERSECTIONAL APPROACH: to promote an anti-sexist, anti-racist culture against omo-lesbo-bi-transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and any sort of discrimination through an intersectional perspective;

- INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION: to promote participation and active citizenship of youngsters to fight against the social exclusion and promote the rights;

- EURO-MEDITERRANEAN COOPERATION: to promote the cooperation between European Countries and Partner Countries from the South Mediterranean region to facilitate social cohesion in the area;

- INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: to promote international mobility and intercultural learning among the youths.

To know more visit: www.gioseftorino.eu

Ofensiva Tinerilor


"Ofensiva Tinerilor" Association (The Youth Offensive Association) was founded in 2004, with the promotion of European values ​​being an integral part of the purpose for which it was founded.

Our mission is to provide young people with accessible educational opportunities that will help them reach their full potential.

The association aims to increase the participation of civil society in the decision-making process at local, national and European level, to promote the European project but also to support the European and international mobility of young people.

In its 16 years of activity, the association has offered more than 5,000 Arad residents educational and civic involvement opportunities, especially related to the European project and the promotion of European values. The Youth Offensive was the first association in the county to organise European youth mobilities and is still one of the most active in the country in this field.

Our initiatives have been organised in cooperation with local and national institutions, with the support of the Youth, Youth in Action and Erasmus + programmes, under the European Commission's pilot calls (AMICUS, European Year of Volunteering 2011, etc.) or with funding from the Sectorial Programme for Increasing Economic Competitiveness.

In recognition of its involvement in promoting the European project, in 2017 the association was awarded the "Excellency Award for Promoting the European Spirit and Values" by the "European Institute of Romania".

To know more visit: https://ofetin.ro/index.php/en/ 

Idee in Fuga


Idee in Fuga is a social cooperative working for social inclusion of disadvantaged people and minorities, to include them in the society and give them dignity trough the work, promoting their health and social condition. The cooperative is very active on its territory organizing social activities in the framework of structured projects. In the last 3 years Idee in Fuga implemented several projects for inmates, disabled and migrants in the Province of Alessandria.

We want to train responsible leaders by giving them the tools to be promoters of a change that is necessary today, and accompany them in the development of sustainable projects.

We also promote the transnational mobility of young people and the transition between training and work, enhancing human and professional attitudes and skills.

We want, thanks to our organization, feed the feeling of European citizenship based on the principles of solidarity, nondiscrimination, equal opportunities, respect for the human person and social inclusion. We finally affirm the right to culture, education and lifelong learning with a view to transnational cooperation.

To know more visit: https://www.ideeinfugacoop.it/ 

All queries concerning this roject should be direct to the following e-mail: qualityassuranceforall@hreyn.net

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the Bureau National Jeunesse (Belgium). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.