New workshops incoming
Tamar Tkemaladze Tamar Tkemaladze

New workshops incoming

Planning and play-testing. Participants of the study session "Broadcasting Democratic Citizenship" Spend the whole morning…

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Our CoE Story
Tamar Tkemaladze Tamar Tkemaladze

Our CoE Story

#MyCoE - In 2006 in European Youth Centre Budapest, the Human Rights Education Youth Programme which is one of the notable programmes…

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1st of May at EYCS
Tamar Tkemaladze Tamar Tkemaladze

1st of May at EYCS

With a small photo-action, participants of the study session “Broadcasting Democratic Consciousness” …

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Tamar Tkemaladze Tamar Tkemaladze

he Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) organised a consultation meeting on the Plan of Action…

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70 years with human rights
Tamar Tkemaladze Tamar Tkemaladze

70 years with human rights

“Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” - Eleanor Roosevelt, Delegate to the United Nations

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